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Berir Baor, Thakurnagar – 53 kms from Kolkata

In Bengali, ‘Baor’ is a ‘fresh-water lake’ and Berir Baor is a 06 kms. long Ox-Bow Lake created by the meandering Ichamati River. This Baor is famous for its aquatic fauna and some of the best quality fresh water fishes. A lavish lunch obliged by the delicious fishes...

Malipara, Hooghly – 59 kms. from Kolkata

Just 59 kms from Kolkata, Malipara is a serene village with endless stretches of paddy fields, vegetable gardens, ponds, palm trees, mango groves, local temples and different shades of village life. It’s a nice place to de-stress yourself after a whole week of...

Falta, South 24 Pgs – 51 kms from Kolkata

Located just 51 kms from Kolkata on the banks of River Hooghly, Falta is a popular weekend destination repleted with history. The British took refuge here after Nawab Siraj Ud Daulah captured Kolkata and the Dutch had a factory here long before Indian Independence....

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